Just Follow These Few Steps To Write Your First Line of Code

David K. Kim
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2021


You want to try writing code but don’t know where to start? Just follow these few steps.

Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash

When I first started coding, it took me a long time to find exactly how to start. Yes there was a mountain of information on the internet that tried to explain how. But most of that information wasn’t specific enough and skipped some vital parts on how to begin. At the same time some of the information were conflicting with each other making it extremely confusing. I just wanted to try to start coding but it was just so difficult to get started.

I decided to write this blog to help anyone who just wanted to try and start coding immediately. You can choose your language and what area you want to concentrate on later. Just follow these few steps to write your first few lines of code.

The coding language we will be using is ‘Python’ and our IDE will be ‘Jupyter Notebook’. You can basically think of IDE as a software you use to write you code. Think of it like this: if you use Microsoft Word to write your essay, we will be using Jupter Notebook to write your Python code.

Step 1: Download ‘Anaconda’

Image from Anaconda Website

Anaconda is basically a package of software and langauges that can get you started to write code in python or R (which are both languages that are useful in data analytics). There are a bunch of useful software that you can use to analyze data. You can download it from the link above.

Step 2: Turn on ‘Anaconda’ and select ‘Jupyter Notebook’

Screenshot From Anaconda

Once you download Anaconda, you have to turn it on. Once you turn it on, you’ll be met with a bunch of software that you can explore later on. For now, just select ‘Jupyter Notebook’.

Step 3: Make a python file

Screenshot From Jupyter Notebook

Once you select Jupyter Notebook, you’ll see your terminal pop up, spit out a bunch of alien language and suddenly a tab will appear on your internet browser. Don’t panic; this is perfectly normal.

What you’ll be seeing is your file directories. To make things simple, just go to your ‘Desktop’ file and create a new python file.

Step 4: Start coding!

Screenshot From Jupyter Notebook
x = 2 + 2
y = 3
x + y

Great, now you can finally start coding. We’re going to make it super easy. Just copy the code above and congrats! You’ve written your first few lines of code.

Hope this helps anyone who wants to quickly get started writing code. There’s a bunch of information out there that can help you start writing more complex lines of code. This blog concentrated more on getting you started as getting everything set up is actually a big hurdle for anyone who wants to just start. Cheers :)

